Sida Yin


 Chapter One
2024 ⋅ Summer Jodo Koushuukai
AZS University of Zielona Góra ⋅ Polish Kendo Federation
Sida Yin ∙ Michał Szczepański


Sida Yin currently holds a title of Jodo Renshi 6 dan. He is a coach of the Swedish National Team and four-time gold medalist of European Jodo Championships. He won 2008 EJC as 2nd dan and three consecutive championships 2012, 2013 and 2014 as 4th dan. 

General part

When were you born, and where are you from? Where do you live now?
I was born in Dalian, China. I moved to and grew up in Sweden, and currently living in Stockholm.

What do you do for a living?
UX designer. 

How do you manage to combine training with life outside budo?
I have chosen to structure my life so that I have the flexibility to train. 

Do you have any non-standard or even crazy activities you would like to share with us?
I spend what little free time I have on aquarium-keeping and sageo-making 

If you could learn one skill instantly, what would it be?
Close-up magic. I think the dexterity will come in handy for Jodo…

What is the weirdest food combination you enjoy?
Poached eggs in milk, with lots of sugar and salted vegetables.

What is your idea of the perfect day?
Eat good food and feel a sense of accomplishment. 

What is your nickname?
Shifu sensei sensei

What fictional character would you most like to be friends with?
Toni Toni Choppa from One Piece

What is your most treasured possession?
My father’s wedding ring. He passed away in 2014.


What is your earliest memory of Jodo training?
Trying Shamen at an end-of-year iaido practice in 2003

Who was your first and who is your present teacher for Jodo?
I started training with Takao Momiyama sensei and Rolf Radakovits sensei. After Momiyama sensei moved to the south of Sweden, I was mainly training with Rolf sensei - once he taught me the Gohon no midare in a cabin on the ferry to Finland. Sadly he passed away in 2022. 

Where and when did you start practising jodo?
In Stockholm, around 2004

Tell us something about your dojo.
We celebrated our 30th anniversary in 2020 

Is there anything you focus on at the moment in your training?
Footwork and kamae - the fundamentals

What are your favourite and the most challenging aspects of Jodo?
To be able to fight your nerves during an embu and be consistent in the performance. 

What motivates you in Jodo?
Feeling that I am constantly learning and always have something to improve. And to get hit in the suigetsu.

Today, when you know the world of Budo much better, would you choose Jodo again?
Every time. 


How many times have you competed at the European level?
I think every event since 2005, except in 2022… 18 times?

If you remember, tell us what is your EJC score record.
The Swedish Kendo Federations keeps a good record: 4 gold, 1 silver, 4 brons

You are a European Champion in Jodo. Which championships do you remember most and why?
Magglingen, maybe 2008, during practice I missed the last parray in Ranai and my partner split my eyebrow open. 

You are the coach for Jodo in Sweden. What is the job of a national team coach in XXX like? What is your role?
My job is to train and motivate the squad and to select the team for EJC. Practical stuff include planning the squad training and to do the  paperwork for the national team and for the EIC.

Could you share some of the strategies or training methods you use with the national team? Is the training different from typical training with other groups.
I try to do drills (other than the standard kihon) to keep training more interesting and combine kihon training to mirror the kata. This is something I’ve adopted from Momiyama Sensei’s methods.

10 short questions with one-word answers

Tea or coffee? (that is the first question a Polish host asks his guest)

Sea or mountains as a holidays destination? (again, as Poland is located in between mountains in the south and the sea in the north, and that is a typical choice we have to take)

Your favourite drink.

Your favourite dish.

Movie you recommend.
“The Art Of Self Defense” (It’s not what you think)

A place to be right now?

Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad?
Breaking Bad

What is your favourite Jodo kata?

Last one: Jodo or Iaido?